Monday, February 1, 2010

It's the simple things in life that make me happy ...

the start of a new month with endless possibilities a head, january was good & february will be better ...
pride in a personal achievement & being able to photograph myself in a way i never would have before ...
being featured on a wonderful blog, a blog that i could look at pictures & read for hours ...
being inspired by the work & wisdom of these wonderful photographers: Jen Kiaba, Juliet Harrison, & Tali Schiffer ...
feeling like maybe there will come a day where i get to do what i love full time!


  1. And getting to eat cupcakes. What more can we ask for in life??

  2. Oh Laura, that is so wonderful- your successes, the feature on that blog (great blog btw!), and I am so flattered that you are inspired by me! As I've said before, likewise my darling!! xo

  3. Your photos are fantastic! And I'm really happy to be your 100th fllower! :)

  4. Hey darling, you've been awarded :)

  5. love this post. i always appreciate a reminder that the small things are the great things in life. your photography is absolutely lovely!
