Saturday, February 27, 2010

Paris ...

So here's the thing ... i will be going to Paris in April for the Boudoir Divas workshop & i have a whole day to myself. There will be no husband, no family & thus i don't have to do any of the major tourist places. So here I'm looking for suggestions ... i would love to get in a lil' shopping for the house & maybe head to Versailles but otherwise i just need ideas of places to go & see. Cool little shops, & flea markets are always good.


  1. Versailles is fabulous and takes most of a day--you would love to photograph Marie Antoinette's Hamlet. The Musee D'Orsay is where the Louvre's collection of Impressionist paintings lives in a converted Victorian era train station.

  2. So what's this workshop all about??? I want to go too (I think) when in April is it?
    In any case, if hadn't noticed, I am so utterly jealous!!!
