Today has been one of those days ... a mixture of good & bad!
I returned to the doctors today ... he said i've bruised a bone, am guessing at the patella (only knee bone i know) in my knee. So glad to have an idea of what's up. Plus side is i'm allowed to run down side just not 26.2 miles. So the marathon is going to have to wait but it will happen, i've even more determined! So hopefully the anti-inflammatory's he's given me will help & i'll be good to go ... if not i have to return in a couple of weeks!
But today i also have my first "guest blog" ... super excited! The super talented & fabulous Katie of Sense of Place Photography kindly let me write a blog about our weekend adventures in Zurich & the hubby. So be sure to check it out over on The You & Me Show.
& lastly i wanted to share something completely different ... I am taking part in a project with the fPOE team, called Miss Match & it's all about diptychs. Well my first theme was "surreal" & with the help of my occasionally wonderful husband i got an end result that i love. Completely new & different to anything i've tried before but i had fun & now i know how to make blood!